Why you need copy editors and proofreaders… and regarding ads

It is much easier to spot someone else’s errors because your brain will not as easily assume what the author meant to write. I do try to check my posts, but sometimes things will get by me and I do not have a proofreader. So, please show mercy if you see an error. Just make a note in the comments section and I will fix it.

This former copy editor and proofreader thanks you for your understanding.

By the way, I know there are ads showing on my blog. I have no control over them or over their content.

Posted in Beit-Shalom | 2 Comments

Joys of Baking

There is actually bread dough raising under those cloths. I finally figured out that my bread pans are actually bigger than they should be. However, they are what I have and I am fine with that. It just means my loaves tend to be shorter.

Ah…there they are!

Mmmmmm…baking away! Perhaps smaller pans would also fit in my oven better!

Here they are…out of the oven. I really enjoy my home made bread!

I wonder…do I trust that my heavenly Abba has given me the spiritual “yeast” I need to rise to the occasions to which He has called me? Or am I living fearfully…expecting to not be up to the task at hand? Do I truly trust Him for ALL things? Or am I just giving lip service? I like to think that I am truly trusting. I know I sure trust Him more than I did many years ago. I have seen Him provide in so many ways…whether it was supernaturally or through people.

This I know. He is faithful. The question is whether I am equally faithful back. I don’t think I can be in my humanness. But I sure can try!

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Questions for YHWH God…

Dear YHWH God,

As I watch what is going on in the world, some questions come to mind.

Am I seeking to be on Your side? Or am I just wanting You to be on my side?

Am I asking You to help me do Your will? Or am I asking You to do my will?

You are God and I am not!

The coming times look like they could be kind of scary. I want to make sure I’m walking close to You! However things turn out, for good or for bad, I will praise You and love You and serve You.

I know Your will is going to be accomplished. I know Your will for Your people is for good and not for evil. The evil of this world will be brought down and it will disappear forever. Oh how I long for that day.

Keep my šŸ‘£ on Your path and my ā¤ļø true to Your ā¤ļø.

With love and faith,

Your daughter

Posted in Beit-Shalom, Dear God, God, Life, Personal, Prayer, questions, Reflections, Spirituality, Thoughts | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment


Psa 16:6  Pleasant places were measured out for me; I am content with my heritage.

Php 4:11  Not that I am saying this to call attention to any need of mine; since, as far as I am concerned, I have learned to be content regardless of circumstances.
12  I know what it is to be in want, and I know what it is to have more than enough ā€” in everything and in every way I have learned the secret of being full and being hungry, of having abundance and being in need.
13  I can do all things through Him who gives me power.

1Ti 6:6  Now true religion does bring great riches, but only to those who are content with what they have.
7  For we have brought nothing into the world; and we can take nothing out of it;
8  so if we have food and clothing, we will be satisfied with these.

When I look at these verses, I’m challenged. It’s so easy to look at what other people have that’s different or more and to want that. I know it was a real battle for me when the three of us lived in a tiny little RV for six and a half years. (For more on that go here: https://littlervonthehillside.wordpress.com/ )

We’d drive down the road and sometimes I couldn’t even look at people’s houses because I knew what I was going home to. It was so hard not to feel jealous. Not to wonder why we were having to go through such hard times. Yet, in the midst of everything, G-d did some real miracles for us and showed us many times He is with us.

We live in a house built by volunteers. It’s still not completed after all these years, but it’s livable! And when I’m tempted to be discontented because it’s part workshop and it’s not finished and it’s cluttered, I think back to that RV. I think about how we were forced into a situation that led up to both mortgages on this property being less than we could even touch a studio apartment for anywhere. We couldn’t even probably rent a room somewhere for the cost of our mortgages.

So, we went through some really really hard things. But we’re benefiting from that now. Yes, things are still kind of hard. Life is hard. But we have what we need and isn’t that what contentment is really all about?

I’ve never gone without some kind of shelter. I’ve always had a roof over my head, clothes to wear, food to eat. Always. Was it kind of crowded at times, like in the RV? Yes. Was it sometimes because my boys and I were living with another family? Yes. But G-d provided in so many ways. He still does.

How about you? Have you thought about what contentment really means? Where do you think you are on the scale of contentment? I know the more content I am, the more grateful I am. And vice versa. It works both ways. The more gratitude I have, the more contentment I have.

Peace doesn’t always come easily. But it’s worth surrendering yourself to Him to get it. He fills me with His shalom and there is no shalom like His.

Contentment equals peace, equals shalom. There are a lot of things I wish I had handled better. But I had to go through them in order to realize I needed to change. Perhaps more importantly, I needed to be changed. I couldn’t do it on my own. I needed Him to do it in me. And loving Father that He is, He was faithful to do it.

As much as I hated some of the stuff I’ve been through, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It has helped to mold me and shape me into the kind of person I am today.

I’m still learning about this whole contentment thing. Believe me, I don’t have it down. But I’m so much farther than I was and for that I’m very grateful.

Posted in Beit-Shalom | 2 Comments

Tiny Rebellion…

I’m fine, thank you very much! I walk in G-d’s ways. Well, I try to anyway. I mean, some of those commands I don’t really understand, so I guess they don’t really apply to me, right?

Ever find yourself thinking along those lines? I don’t think any of us would ever outright rebel against G-d. We all want to think we’re doing what God wants us to do and walking in his ways. But are we picking and choosing? If we are, isn’t that a form of rebellion?

It may not be a massive rebellion, but it’s a rebellion nonetheless. A tiny rebellion.

Rebellion in the heart is not good. Any time we rebel against God’s ways, we are saying we know better than G-d. I don’t know about you, but I do not want to be in such a position. Ever!

G-d knows our hearts. He knows when we’re truly unable to do something or when we’re making excuses because we simply don’t want to do it.

It’s something to consider. I don’t know about you, but I know I want my relationship with Creator to be open and clear. I don’t want anything coming between Him and me. Not even a tiny rebellion.

That’s not to say I don’t get rebellious thoughts. But I find when I squelch them immediately, my relationship with my heavenly Father deepens. My appreciation for what Messiah Yeshua has done for me deepens. Things become clearer and more real each time I surrender myself to Creator’s hand.

We are living in such a chaotic world. Darkness is rising in huge ways. But so is the Ruach of Elohim. How it’s all going to play out, I’m not sure. I can see things going in more than one direction. But one thing I know for sure. I want to be on His side. I want to be so close to Him that I have little to no chance of being deceived. The only way that can happen is if I can hear the voice of His Ruach and that means having an open clear relationship with Him.

I pray your relationship with Him is clear and strong. If you have any doubts about the condition of your relationship, please seek Him with a humble heart. Ask Him to show you if there’s anything between you and Him and clear it up! He’s there waiting for you with open arms. He loves you in a way you can’t even begin to fully imagine.

Posted in Beit-Shalom | 2 Comments

Chicken update…

It’s official. My two Buff Orpingtons are both hens. I was originally hoping for a hen and a rooster. I’m actually grateful they’re both hens because they’re so mild-mannered. If one was a rooster it would be pretty much useless as a rooster. At least this way I get an egg out of each of them.

Posted in Beit-Shalom | 2 Comments

Baby, it’s cold outside!

We are entering about a week and a half (or more?) of temps below freezing in the daytime and even down into single digits some nights. As a result, I am not opening the window to the chicken coop. They need to have a place to get out of the wind and cold.

I hate going out into this cold, but we have to tomorrow morning. After that, neither of us have appointments during this hunker down and enjoy hot chocolate weather. I really hope and pray everyone stays warm and there are no power outages anywhere. With our woodstove, we can weather through that, but a lot of folks I know don’t have that option.

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Eggs in winter?

My hens stopped laying for winter and the two Buff Orpingtons have still not either layed or started crowing to indicate they are roosters. The hens give them some serious henpecking so, even if one is a rooster, I don’t think it will do any good. I hate to do anything with them until I know for sure what they are because I do want more egg layers.

I started turning the outside lights on about an hour before sunrise and leaving them on for an hour and a half after sunrise. That has resulted in Blondie giving me an egg about every other day and now Callie appears to be getting into laying again. Yay! My goal is to actually run a power cord to hang a light inside the pen. The coop is too small, but a light in the pen, especially with the house lights on the other side might help trigger more eggs again.

Once I can get the light hung in the pen, I will give the Buffs another month(ish) to show what they are. If I don’t get eggs or some indication of sex, they are going to end up in the pot or oven. That’s just life. I cannot afford to feed nonworking animals. They are not pets.

The two Buffs are much bigger than the hens. There is a stack of pallets just outside one end of their yard. One pallet sticks out a bit. They like to get on the ledge and onto the top of the pallets. I think that is how they are getting out of the yard. We came home the other day and they were out. Today, they got out…twice! If they are using the pallets moving them (which is no small task) might stop that. Who knows?

The funny thing is they can get out, but they cannot seem to figure out how to get back in. I will see them hanging around the outside of the fence looking in. They are little escape artists who get stuck on the outside. Chickens are so funny!

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