Dear God, who/what are You…really? Creator?

Dear God, who/what are You…really? Creator?

People describe You in different ways. Even Your Bible is kind of vague. I am asking a big question and it will take several posts to explore this question…and others I have about You. Some of these will, I am sure, overlap and I am a mere mortal human being attempting to understand a Being who, I am also sure, is beyond my comprehension. I am certainly no “theologian”. I am simply one of Your children who is asking questions.

I get that You are Creator. That is plain to see. If a simple stack of rocks in a path is clearly a sign of someone’s hand putting them there, if the letters on a page forming words are clearly the work of intelligence, how can the complex magnificence of the universe and the encoding in DNA not also be the work of intelligence? No, it is impossible for us to be here by random chance. Even evolutionists (in particular, their top guru Richard Dawkins) recognize this when they say we had to come from aliens via directed evolution via panspermia because random chance evolution is impossible. But they never give a satisfactory answer to the ultimate question of our origin. They only push the question outside of earth, but not outside of the universe. From where did aliens come? Plus, isn’t any being capable of directed evolution, by nature, intelligent? They dance around the problem while being blind to their own bias. So, yes, You are Creator.

But that only explains what You did. (Are doing?) It does not explain who/what You are…what Your nature is. Obviously, any being who can create an entire universe is all powerful. No question. Science affirms the universe had a beginning, so You must be outside of time…the Creator of time. You, clearly, have to be super intelligent and have amazing, if not complete, knowledge in order to create something of such magnitude…something that works together so intricately. I cannot imagine there being anything bigger than that, but even if there is, You are big enough to boggle the mind.

So many questions to explore. At least I do have this one piece of the puzzle down. You are Creator. I don’t understand how You did it, but I don’t really need to. If I could understand all the intricate details of how You did it, I would be as knowing as You. If I could duplicate it, I would be as powerful as You. But no one can and no one is. You are alone in Your uniqueness…and, yet, You are not alone. But that is another question to explore in another post.

God, our Father, teach us to know You as fully as we can in this life as we look forward to the next life.

About BatTikvah

I am a woman who loves life and loves to see others love life, too. I love and serve the Creator, the God of the Bible...the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Because of what the Creator has done in my life, I am here to help others now. I hope we can journey together!
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